"I've actually been there before :-)," I tell boyfriend K, pausing slightly, "because I went there with boyfriend T in 2009!"
Although boyfriend K never met boyfriend T, for some reason he's never comfortable when I mention his name. But on this occasion he doesn't react.
"So …" I continue, pointing to an area on the google map on my computer screen, "this is definitely the best area to stay in."
"But how can you say that?" complains boyfriend K.
"Because I've been there before :-)" I reply, feeling quiet confident in my answer.
"But don't forget you're a posh bitch!" retorts boyfriend K, playfully.
"But does it matter whether I'm rich or poor? That area has the best hotels, the best restaurants, the best night life …"
"Imagine you're a backpacker like I was ten years ago," interrupts boyfriend K.
"So if I'm trying to save money I'd stay here," he continues, pointing to a different location on the map, "and afterwards I'd be telling other backpackers that that's the *Best* place to stay. I'd tell them how cheap it is, and I'd tell them that it costs very little to catch a bus for a day trip to the place that you're talking about!"
I sit back and think about what boyfriend K has just said, and I realise that he's right. I'd forgotten how subjective the word "Best" is. And "Best" for me if I've got a reasonable income isn't going to be the same as "Best" for a budget traveller.