I had thought that I was gradually heading towards a nice redundancy package, but instead, my responsibilities have slowly been growing again. As a result, I think that the quality of my blog posts has suffered this year. So I think it's time to admit that, for now at least, I'm not going to be able to keep up with regular posts to this blog :-(. Posting to this blog twice a week has been part of my life for so long that I've been finding it hard to come to terms with all this.
Please note that even though I'm not going to be posting regularly, I'm still happy to do postings for any Dear GB emails that readers may care to send me. And I'm still contactable at my email address in the right-hand side bar :-).
Thanks to all my readers for following me so far.
GB xxx
Oh no.... I'll miss you very much!
Sorry to hear you'll be less prolific, GB, but work, and personal life :-))should come first, eh?
Will miss the postings...
Sign of the times in the Shitty of London; those who were left behind are working harder. Me too GB!
But we won't miss you 'cos you're not going anywhere - just like getting older and the sex thing, you'll dabble less frequently---right?!
Take care GB!
GB, I guess boyfriends take up lots of time too ;)
Hope you'll share stuff with us every now and again ...
Aw GB!
The blogosphere will be missing an angel. Your blog was one of the first gay blogs I ever came across and your discipline inspired me to write fairly regularly. I've been really busy too recently so only been able to write once every month or so. I do hope you can keep on going. Your presence is truly inspirational.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that maybe you'll be able to carve out some time in the future and add an occassional post or two.
I live in Boston and enjoyed reading about what was happening in your life over in the UK.
Hey GB, been following your blog for a while now, hope you'll still keep writing.
I've just recently decided to blog too. I wondered if you'd be able to link me up to your page.
I only just found the blog and you're slowing down? :(
As others have said, work and life comes before any blog. It's just a shame to see good writers departing their audience.
This reader, and I am certain scores of others, will keep on following you for a long time to come.
Take care of yourself, and enjoy life (I have reason to believe you know very well how to do that!); don't let it be ALL work. :-)
Banker, being your blog reader.. I'll miss you!
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