I always enjoy looking at my boyfriend when he's wet and naked, so I climb the stairs to the bathroom to see what he wants.
"Look at this," he says, pointing to his iPad, "my sister just sent this to me. Apparently it's a drug like that they had in that film Limitless!"
"I don't believe such a thing exists!" I reply, sceptically.
"Well, perhaps not exactly like that film, but it's some kind of brain enhancing drug :-). It's called Modafinil."
"OK, let me do some google research and see what I can find out."
I find a recent Guardian newspaper article about the drug which is very informative. The drug promotes wakefulness, is used by narcoleptics to stop them falling asleep, and apparently doesn't have many side effects.
Boyfriend K obviously does some research too, because later in the day, he comes into my study to talk to me.
"I've been looking into this smart drug and it seems to be safe. Why don’t we buy some and try it?" he asks.
"Maybe," I answer, still a bit sceptical, "is it possible to buy it over the counter without a prescription?"
It turns out that in the UK we would need a prescription :-(. But I'm wondering whether any blog readers have tried it? If you have, please leave a comment and let us know what you think.
Do you suffer from any sleep disorders, GB? If not, I struggle to see why taking it would be a good idea. Taking drugs that you have no medical need for can cause unnecessary problems such as dependence, side effects... really not worth it!
@Voice of Reason, I'm not a narcoleptic! But these days I sometimes find that it's hard to focus on some tasks that I have to do, and it looks like Modafinil should help with that kind of thing. If the studies say it's not addictive, and if it's not illegal, and if it helps students focus on their exams, isn't it worth trying?
GB xxx
I think we all find it a bit hard to concentrate on tasks sometimes GB, but does that mean we should all be rushing out to buy a prescription drug? Somehow I can't see a GP handing you a prescription for that reason... And studies of new drugs can't tell us what they will do over the very long term, precisely because they have only been developed recently.
Anyway, if you're going to take it, I am sure you're smart enough to acquire it through the proper channels and you won't let yourself be persuaded to buy it "under the counter" or over the Internet, where you won't know for a fact what's in it... Right? :)
Well, Voice of Reason, I can't stop boyfriend K buying it on the internet. But if he does, and if it works for him, I might be tempted to see what effect it has on me!
GB xxx
Oh dear, I was afraid something like that might happen (that's what I meant by "let yourself be persuaded"!) So this drug is supposed to act like a stimulant. Supposing K does buy it "under the counter", but what he buys turns out to be a different stimulant of a less legal and more dangerous nature, how would you know the difference?
Remember your "questionable behaviour" post about K using a fake identity based on other people's photos as a way of getting people to send him compromising pictures through a hook-up app, including people whose real identities he knew - a situation he described as "quite funny" (though I imagine it wasn't funny for them!) And now you say you might be tempted to let the same man give you a drug of unknown origin, after he put the idea into your head?
As a concerned randomer who wishes you well :) I'm just pointing out that taking unknown substances from people whose behaviour hasn't always been beyond reproach, shall we say, isn't necessarily a good idea, however tempting it may seem. Not being able to concentrate on work sometimes is called being human, why take a risk like this over it?
Wow, Voice of Reason, I'm amazed that you remember so much about my life. That "questionable behaviour" post was 2 years ago. Because I blog so little these days, I didn't think that I had any long term readers left!
At the moment it's all hypothetical. If boyfriend K does buy any, I guess I'll assess the situation given all the variables at the time, including the effect on him.
And if anyone else has read this far, I'm still interested in anyone who's taken this or anyone who knows someone who has :-).
GB xxx
Fair enough. As long as you're going into it with your eyes open (if you go into it at all), that's all I can ask!
I'm surprised myself that that was 2 years ago! The older you get, the more time flies. Anyway, this long-term reader will go on reading as you've posted a lot of interesting stuff in the past - hope you don't give it up!
I've not tried that one, but many other brain drugs in the past to help speed along healing after my brain injury.
Now, I take nothing, but sitting down daily to meditate, which has produced far greater results than any drug, plus coming to the wisdom that I am happy without drinking....and I used to have a good collection of wine, but never to excess.
if you keep the idea that there is something outside of yourself that will make you happier, you are chasing the carrot until you die.
That's interesting, Was Once :-). It sounds like it helped you when you had your injury. I've got a bit of a wine collection as well, and at the moment I can't imagine giving up drinking. Up to half a bottle of wine seems to help me relax after work in the evening.
GB xxx
Hi GB, would a bit of coffee do the job? Would want to see you staying away from drugs esp if you can find alternatives to those.
I do drink Coffee, Shawn, and it certainly helps me to wake up in the morning :-). I assume that Modafinil would have a different kind of effect. Have you tried it?
GB xxx
My friends who work in consulting use this often and find it useful. I use it whenever I can get hold of it and am aboard. It is coffee without the side effects. I would say give it ago and see if it is right for you. Use a online pharmacy.
Thanks P :-), that's an interesting and useful comment. There *must* be some side-effects, surely, but perhaps I should put aside my concerns and just give it a go!
GB xxx
Hi GB, I have never tried Modafinil - am happy to stick with coffee to wake myself up. Coffee sounds more natural to me. :)
GB.... I'm just don't think drugs are the way to go. I even stay away from poppers when asked if I want some... Just my opinion. I wonder if we are too quick to move to pharma to help us. Be well.
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