During the course of the weekend, we went on a couple of walks where I took the photos that can be seen below. We also spent quite a surprising amount of time discussing other men's penises, partly because boyfriend T discovered that my old friend (who's also gay) owns a copy of The Big Penis Book. One suggestion that emerged from the discussions was the rumour that Irish guys tend to have bigger than average appendages for Caucasians males. Does anyone think that there's any truth in that?
Anyway, apologies to the reader who sent me that request for advice, but I'll try and post a response later in the week. Meanwhile, can anyone work out where in the UK we were from the pics below?
I've heard the same about Scottish guys, Gerek guys, Austrian guys, Pakistani guys and countless others.
The truth in my experience is that every single ethnic group works out to be "average" on the whole.
*Greek guys
What's "average", John F?
Also GB, is boyfriend T a size queen?
I recently read an article about physiological differnced between gay and str8 men. In there there was a line about gay men having longer ring fingers and BIGGER penises than str8 boys... Never shagged a str8 guy, so no clue if their fingers are shorter or not!
nice to surf into your blog
lovely pictures love the open space and all the greens
a hello all the way from Singapore
Leon :)
Not sure where, but it certainly a castle:-)
I concur that it seems Irish guys are slightly larger. Must be the potatoes!!
Nine, all the straight guys I have slept with were all rather large. Didn't have the inclination to check out their fingers as otherwise occupied as u can imagine.
Hope u well GB and looks like still enjoying your time with T.
I've heard from gay friends that travel to Europe often that French guys have the big "one".
There are two different castles pictured here, both in south Wales.
I expect that you're right, John F, that all races end up just being average. Although it's nice to speculate :-), hehe!
No, first anonymous commenter, whoever you are, boyfriend T isn't a size queen. Although we spent quite a bit of time talking about other men's penises last weekend, if you ask me that's quite natural for a group of gay guys!
I've never heard that about straight guys Nine. But it would be nice if it were true!
And a bit hello to you from London, Leon :-).
Yes, second anonymous commenter, there were some castles in my pics! Hope you're well too, whoever you are :-).
That pic, third anonymous commenter, whoever you are, would be more interesting if all the guys had stiffys!
In my experience KenPaul66, French guys are just the same as British guys in the trouser department!
Wow BenC, top marks :-). Did you know immediately, or did you have to work it out? I don't know if it helped, but I included a photo of a field of sheep on the grounds that Wales is famous for having loads of sheep!
GB xxx
I recognised Llandeilo immediately, as I've been there too!
I've definitely heard the theory about gay guys having bigger penises than straight - not sure if it's true or not, but mine's big enough :-)
It looks like a Welsh landscape to me, and the sheep no doubt helped... I haven't been to those castles - most of those I've visited are nearer the border - but Google was helpful. :-)
Regional condom sales by size are probably the best proxy umm.. measure.
Asians (India, China, Japan etc) tend to buy smaller sizes than elsewhere, on average. But statistics can be so dry. Empirical research is much more fun! :-)
To Sir Wobin:
I haven't really noticed any difference in size on the Oirish lads, but they tend to be very charming!
Don't know about those pics, but I also own The Big Penis book... in fact when I bought it at Waterstone's the fit bloke behind the counter said "my that's a big one" before realising what book it was... hilarity should have ensued but alas it did not...
I wouldn't think it's true about Irish guys. I'm Irish, just average. I would think all nationalities have big, small and medium...
About 10 years back, there was a report about EU setting the condom "standards", etc. It was then reported, that Norwegians were not too happy about the proposals, since, as reported, they tend to be larger.
Just my 2 cents.
the castle u took the pic of is featured in the movie "leap year" staring that really annoying legally blonde wannabe and the tall and lanky irish guy whose accent was annoying..
but yeh.. they ended up touring the castle
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