Yesterday I received an email from an ex
Goldman Sachs trader called Joe Nelson, who's set up a company called
TheyFit which makes condoms in 95 different sizes! So this is a condom brand that fits both length and girth :-).
The idea is simple. Guys download and print out
the Fit Kit, which lets them work out the best size for them. They can then place an order on
the web site. If anyone wants to try ouy this new brand, Joe has sent me a code which will give readers a 15% discount:
15% discount code: GBGS15
The 'GS' in the discount code refers to the investment bank Goldman Sachs where Joe used to work. Because of that, London's evening newspaper wrote an article about Joe's condoms with the title
Goldman Sex - how Londoners measure up!
It occurred to me last night that if this catches on, the TheyFit measurement codes might one day become the definitive way of talking about cock size. Will women, and guys who like to be bottom, one day be saying things like "My last boyfriend was a D21 which was PAINFUL, but I'm much happier with my new guy who's a comfortable B77 :-)"?
Anyway, if any reader does try out this new condom brand, do come back and leave a comment to let us all know what you think!
Update 14-Jan-2012: Originally the discount code was only valid for 30 days. However, today I got an email from Joe telling me that he'd seen a lot of people use GBGS15, so he's extended it for another month :-).