"I slept OK," he says sleepily, smiling at me, "you?"
"Yeah, actually I had a great dream last night :-)."
"Really? What happened?"
"It started out in this hotel which had lots of guests even though it was being rebuilt and renovated. Because I was part of the hotel staff or something I was in the loft space above all the bedrooms, but somehow I was able to see through all the ceilings of all the rooms on all the different floors. And in about half of the rooms the guests were having sex!"
Boyfriend T looks at me with a mild expression of surprise on his face.
"In one room there were about five or six guys all on one enormous bed together having some kind of orgy, although across all the rooms the split between gay and straight sex was roughly 50:50. Also, in one room near the reception area there was a female member of the staff from the gym that I go to being taken from behind by some enormous guy."
I giggle slightly at the memory of seeing this.
"But then it turned out that the main character in the dream is cursed. I was kind of the main character, but at the same time I kind of wasn't the main character and I'm just observing everything. The curse was an ancient curse, and it meant I was responsible for all the people who had died in some remote part of Africa, because my family had been receiving some income from this land since ancient times and now I was going to have to pay for it all with my life."
I'm not sure whether boyfriend T is following any of this or not, but I'm enjoying remembering the dream so I continue anyway.

"What on earth makes you think that this was a great dream?" interrupts boyfriend T, with a quizzical grin on his face.
"Errr well," I start, dragging my mind away from the dream and back into reality, "it was hugely entertaining, especially seeing the female member of the staff from the gym that I go to being shafted from behind :-)!"
I start giggling again.
"Do you fancy that woman or something?" asks boyfriend T.
"Actually, she looks slightly masculine," I reply, "so if I were straight I guess she'd be the type of woman that I'd go for!"
"Interesting," says boyfriend T, thoughtfully. "Anyway, where I come from, a great dream is where you win a noble prize, or become president, or meet one of you favourite family members who died a few years ago. That kind of thing :-)."
I'm not sure that I agree with his definition of 'great dreams', but suddenly I realise something.
"Actually, perhaps it wasn't a great dream after all," I say slowly, "but for a different reason. You weren't in it!"
"Just as well," laughs boyfriend T, "I wouldn't like to have been any of the characters that you've described so far!"
Even if it wasn't a 'great dream', none the less it was enjoyable. Although the part of the dream where I realised that I was cursed was mildly disturbing. But do dreams mean anything? If anyone has any idea what my dream means, or if anyone has had any good dreams themselves recently, then feel free to leave a comment :-).