The day after
I gave boyfriend number 3 his birthday present, I get home around 7pm to an empty house. Boyfriend number 1 usually cooks a meal for me in the evening, but tonight he's out with one of his friends, so I have to fend for myself.

While wondering what to do, my natural
urges get the better of me and I decide to log on to
gaydar to see who's around :-). I spot B,
my gorgeous Japanese masseur, who I haven't visited for a couple of weeks or more, so I send him a message in the chat system so see if he's free this evening
hi mate, u there?But I get no response :-(. So I start checking emails, and looking at the profiles of guys that I don't know, but after about ten minutes I do get a reply
hi gb, sorry was with clientWe chat for a short while, but soon I'm wondering whether he's busy tonight or not.
would be nice to see you again sometimeB:
yes u been naughty boy skipping massageGB:
perhaps I could come round tonightB:
not sure, I got another client soonGB:
well perhaps we should go running together along the river sometimeB:
ok but jogging better, you run too fast lolWe chat a bit more but after another five minutes or so, another natural urge starts to get the better of me. What on earth am I going to eat for supper!
I'm going to have to go soonB:
boyfriend number 1 is out tonight, so I don't have anyone to cook for me this eveningB:
he always cook for youGB:
yes usually, but tonight I'm going to have to go to the shops and buy some supper myself :-(B:
maybe I cook for you thenGB:
wow that would be great BB:
sure, why notGB:
but don't you have a massage client tonightB:
perhaps, but he not confirmed yetI often find B like this these days! He can be a bit devious and hard to pin down. Similarly, I always enjoy
activities with him, but sometimes we have a bit of
fun when we meet and sometimes we don't. I'm at a complete loss in terms of what I should do or say to make
activities with him more likely when we get together. Perhaps the explanation is simply that he's juggling his commitments to all his different boyfriends!
well if you can cook something for me this evening that would be wonderful B, I'll be round in about 30 mins is that OKB:
yes sureGB:
do you want me to bring any food?B:
I have enough here, dont worryGB:
ok gr8, and just send me a txt msg if you need to change plans because of your clientB:
tksLuckily, as I'm getting ready to leave the house, I remember that it would be rude to arrive empty handed. A quick visit to my wine cellar sorts that out and soon I'm wondering towards B's apartment with a decent bottle of 1999 premier cru red Burgundy in hand.
"Hi B," I say as I arrive, "I brought you this," and I hand him the bottle of wine.
"Thanks you," replies B giving me a quick kiss on the lips, "come in."
He's got me well trained because I know the drill! I take off my shoes in the entrance hall, before following him into the main room. I quickly discover that his business partner is out, which puts me in a good mood. Although I get on well his B's business partner,
activities are always much more likely when he's not there!
We stand around talking while he shows me a few changes that they've made to the apartment since my last visit. At every opportunity, I get close to him, putting my hand on his shoulder and smiling at him. He smiles back, and rubs me on my shoulder a couple of times too, but after a couple of minutes he's got a question for me.
"You like drink of this wine then?" he asks.
"Yes sure, if you're going to have some too," I reply, "I can't manage it all on my own!"
He smiles at me nodding, and then gives me the job of opening the wine while he starts rummaging around in the cupboards in the adjoining kitchen.

"So, what you want me to cook?" he asks.
"Whatever's easy, I'm not fussy!"
Twenty minutes later and I'm tucking into a hot bowl of spicy noodles :-). But he's sat me in a chair at a small table. I'd much rather be sitting on the floor with him, so that I can snuggle up to him, and put my arm round him to thank him for cooking for me :-).
When I've finished the noodles, however, I manage to find an excuse to join him among the cushions on the floor.
"Perhaps we go next door," says B a few minutes later smiling at me, "more comfortable :-)".
My life usually doesn't work out as neatly as this, being able to visit one boyfriend for supper and
fun when it turns out that another boyfriend is unavailable. When things do work out in such a convenient way though, I feel that I'm a very lucky guy!