"So how were your holidays?" I ask him, once we've handed our bags and umbrellas to the cute cloakroom attendant.
I get an answer to the question once we've made our way to the bar for a little pre-prandial cocktail, and given our order to the bartender.
"My holiday was pretty good :-), although I was only able to get away for a week," he replies, making himself comfy on the bar stool, and with a tone in his voice that suggests he wishes that he could have been away for longer.
"And what about men?" I giggle, keeping my voice down so that the bartender can't hear, "What were the natives like!"
"Actually I did manage to hook up while I was away :-)," he says with a cheeky grin on his face.
We talk a bit about the country that he visited, and end up chatting so much that the maître d' invites us to move to our table for dinner before we've finished our cocktails.
Later in the evening, the conversation inevitably wanders back towards our favourite subject.
"You're not on Grindr yet are you, GB?" asks Close Encounters.
"No, that's only available on the iPhone isn't it?" I answer swiftly, "I don't use the iPhone because I hate Apple! Anyway, why do you ask?"
"So it's not you then," replies Close Encounters, "I didn't think so!"
"What's not me?"
"Really? What did he say??"
"He said he knew about it, and even read it sometimes! And now I think the same guy has renamed his profile to 'Gay Banker', just like your blog!!"
"What a cheek!" I laugh, "If there's going to be someone known as 'Gay Banker' in cyberspace it should be ME, after all, I've had my blog for years now."
"Never mind, I'm sure that the imposter isn't as good at, um, activities as the real GB!"
The following day, Close Encounters sends me a pic of the 'Gay Banker' Grindr profile, which can be seen above. It seems strange that he hasn't posted a photo of himself like most Grindr users do, so he does seem to be associating himself with me because I keep my identity private as well. Now that I've thought about the situation a bit more, I've decided that it's a good thing. It's a well worn phrase, but I think it's true, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" :-).
Grindr is available on Blackberry now,if you have one?
i tried to email you but didn't work. what is your email address?
Actually I recently discovered that Blackberry could also be used, PeteR ARMAN. I guess if I was interested in cruising again I might try and work out how to get Grindr.
My new email address should work, anonymous, but if you're having trouble with it my old email still works too. You can find the old one on my blogger profile page.
So are you claiming to be "The imposter", Pete?
GB xxx
Oh my gawd ANOTHER gay banker!
I bet he doesn't know his wine as well though...
Yes its still horribly bugged and not really ready for full release on the BB....
Haha!! I only discovered your blog about a week ago!! I am definitely not "The Imposter". Although I would agree that flattery is indeed the sincerest form of flattery"
Pete x
GB, great dinner, as always ...
looks like the imposter must be an avid reader - he's already changed his profile name !
You should make a facebook fans group before someone else takes it on your behalf!
which reminds me. isn't it time we took supper together GB?
"Imitation is suicide"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I saw the imposter's grindr profile too! I realised it wasn't you when I saw the txt spk, you're too classy for that ;-)
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