Hi GB:Let me think about this one a minute. Meet a nice guy for a bit of enjoyable fun, or turn him down? It's an easy choice to make!
I hope you remember me...and I hope you had a wonderful time on holiday in Aug.
I am coming to London for business again this Tuesday thru Sunday, and staying in central London (different hotel this time)
Let me know if you're free this week and want to drop by...
Yes m8, I remember you. I might be able to visit you, lunchtime or early weekday eve would be best (not Wednesday or Friday though). Send me a txt msg (same mobile as before) - but pls txt only, never phone unless previously agreed :-)I expect him to send me a txt msg when he arrives, but when I check my e-mails the following Tuesday, it turns out that he's sent me another e-mail instead
GB x
Hi GB,Why didn't he just send me a txt msg as requested?
I am here in London now. Early weekday eve may be better...how about Thursday around 5-6pm? Let me know...Here is my cell: XXXXXXXXXXX.
After I'd sent him my original e-mail reply telling him that I wasn't available on the Wednesday evening, I'd then been invited to a party for a senior colleague who's being transferred to Asia. This ended up causing me to revise my plans for Wednesday evening, so the next day, I send him a txt msg to make a suggestion
Hi m8, got ur email last night. As I recall, u work near me right? Could do Thursday, but if you can meet 5pm ish today near work, might be poss today because I'm not busy until 6.30ish and we could take a cab to your hotel together? GB xSoon I get the reply, and as I'd hoped, he's keen to see me

Hi GB, sure we can meet at 5pm. Lets meet by Starbucks on the main road, do you know it?I quickly send my reply
Yes of course, C U later, GB xSo it's all arranged. But then, early afternoon, I get a txt msg from B (my gorgeous Japanese Masseur)
B: Hi GB, I am free this evening. Would u like to come over? What time so i can plan for running :)
Awwww! Sometimes when I'm feeling horny there's no one available. But today I'm spoilt for choice! I'd visited B for a massage the previous Monday, which had been great, but we hadn't been able to have any fun because his masseur colleague had been there. Much as I'd like to visit both guys tonight, as well as attend the party for the senior colleague, it's just not going to be possible :-(. Having already agreed to meet the Chinese American guy, I decide to decline B:
GB: Hi B, unfortunately I am busy, I am meeting friends. But I would very much like to visit u again another time. I am free tomorrow evening up to 7:30?
But it turns out that B will be busy tomorrow evening. We agree to meet again another time.
It's nice to feel in demand :-). But by the end of the afternoon, no one else has contacted me requesting activities, so I make an excuse to leave the bank earlier than usual. Just after 5pm I'm standing patiently outside Starbucks. Five minutes later and I'm about to send him a txt msg to find out where he is, when
"Hi, hope you haven't been waiting long?"

"Yes thanks, I managed to get some sleep so I've manged to avoid the jet-lag :-). Are we going to take the tube, or do you want to get a taxi?"
I much prefer taxis to tubes. We manage to hail one down without any trouble.
"Do you know that hotel?" I ask the cabbie when we're both inside the taxi, having told him where to go.
"I don't think so", replies to cabbie.
"It's quite near the tube station", we both say at once.
"Where exactly?"
What rubbish is this? All cabbies should know all the major London hotels, it's part of their training.
"Well just take us to the tube nearby", says my Chinese American friend, "we can easily walk from there".
I start getting irritated. What's the point of paying for a taxi if he doesn't take you where you want to go?
"No, take us to the hotel", I insist, "and if you don't know where it is, I guess I'll have to tell you where to go!"
I can tell that the cabbie understands my frustration.
"We're paying good money for this", I explain to my companion quietly, "so he'll do what we want! It doesn't make sense to ask him to take us to the tube if we want to be at the hotel!!"
I probably take too many cabs. Most London cab drivers are indeed excellent, but for some reason I become a bit irrational when a cabbie falls short of their usual good service. And when we get close, it turns out that the cabbie does know where to go!
"I was just joking with you", says the cabbie.
What a weird sense of humour, it certainly didn't seem funny at the time :-(.
"They've given me an executive room for some reason", says the Chinese American guy as we're walking through the hotel lobby, "which is nice. I've got loads of space, and a great view too :-)".
We share the lift with a smart young guy who looks us both up and down suspiciously. I smile at him, maybe it would be fun to invite him along too? But he just looks at me even more suspiciously so I'm thankful when we get to our floor. I obviously don't have cuteCTguy's knack at picking up guys in lifts!
Once we've arrived in the executive room, without thinking we both start stripping off, as though it's completely routine.
"Let me hang your suit up for you honey", he says, in a calm, matter of fact voice.
Soon we're on the large king size double bed together, naked apart from our undershorts. He's got a nice smooth body, and although he's been at the office all day, he smells lovely. Now that he's got me where he wants me, he comes over all assertive, and pushes my head down firmly onto the pillow to kiss me deeply. I guess it's true, sometimes I like to be in control, but sometimes I do just like to be dominated! We have a nice time together.
Afterwards we lie in each others arms for perhaps 30 minutes, and as we're lying there, he massages me quite roughly. I don't complain, and actually I quite enjoy it. But eventually it's time for me to go to the party.
"I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in London", I say as I'm leaving.
"And I hope you enjoy your party!" he replies smiling at me.
There's a couple of people who are going to be at the party that I usually try to avoid, because for various reasons we just don't get on very well. But after a bit of early evening fun, if feel ready to talk to them if I have to. I bet I've had a better start to my evening than they've had!